Legal notices

Legal notices

Introduction Your privacy is very important to us. With this in mind, we have developed our Cookie s Policy so that you can find out what cookies are used on...

This Privacy Policy describes the means and purposes for which the platform collects, maintains and uses information regarding the personal data of any subject or entity that visits and registers on this platform

This platform is managed by BUILT CoLAB and is subject to the present Terms and Conditions. As a user, you should read them carefully before continuing navigation. BUILT CoLAB –...

BUILT CoLAB vows to make the website available in accordance with Decree Law No. 83/2018 of 19 October, which transposes Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.

O nosso website utiliza cookies. Ao continuar a utilizar o website assumimos que aceita a utilização dos mesmos. Confirmo que li e aceito os Termos e Condições e a Política de Privacidade.